Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fun With Eggs

Mr Burton was crushing the egg.  It wasn't supposed to break but it did!  The yolk flew out and went SPLAT- right on top of my head!  I got a little fright. I got sad because everyone laughed at me.  I know now that they weren't laughing at me.  They were laughing because it was a surprise and a funny accident!

By Connor

1 comment:

  1. Wow - right on your head ! It would have been funny to see. And you are right, they wouldn't have been laughing at you, they would have just laughed at the surprise and the sight would have been funny to see - no matter who's head it had landed on -not just because it was yours. I think people also do a nervous laugh, like 'oh, glad that wasn't me', sort of laugh.
