Thursday, November 4, 2010

World Rowing at Karapiro, Cambridge

Eight students from our school got to go to the rowing champs.  We were chosen because we have been working hard with our schoolwork.  Some special things we liked were- sitting down watching the different countries in the rowing and getting hot chips from Mrs Hooper (our principal).

From Josh, Danielle, Ben, Adam and Devon


  1. Wow ! What a great experience - sounds a good trip to have been on. Lucky you ! Not only to see the rowing and the different countries, but to also get the hot chips.

  2. I have only got to see the rowing on television, you are so lucky! A great photo too, is that a Waka in the background?
    From Mrs J.

  3. Wow you are really lucky you got to go. We love your blog. Well done.

  4. How exciting - I just tried Googling "Kirapiro" however didn't find the World Rowing Champs. Have a go a spelling it Karapiro.

    I love your blog -
